I was standing at the Heusalle U-bahn at eight in the morning waiting for other people from the SABINA program to arrive. We were going to attend the annual Conference on Human Rights at the Deutsche Welle. This year, they were focusing on global media, and the way it can help or hinder human rights causes. I was excited, but had no idea what to expect!
When we arrived at the old German National Parliament we were instantly loaded with papers and schedules, and surrounded by colors and people and displays. After a few minutes to get oriented and decide which programs to attend in the afternoon, we were ushered into the plenary session to hear a debate on the economics of human rights. I was hooked instantly. The whole room was an edge, hanging on every word being said by the speakers, poised to contradict or approve. As soon as the floor was opened, everyone was clamoring to get a chance to voice their opinion. When they finally cut off discussion, I had no doubt that it would be a day to remember.
After the exhilarating start to the day I went to sessions on women’s rights in Latin America, ways to clean up the slums in Kenya, and using mobile phones to capture local stories in Africa. I learned a lot, but more than anything I got inspiration. I was surrounded by people who were passionate about some of the same things as I. Having discussions with people from all over the world, including someone from the at the time soon to be South Sudan, was enlightening. It made me realize some things I hadn’t even realized I took for granted.
That day was ended with a boat cruise on the Rhein that included, not only food and more discussions, but also a dance party. By the end of the night, I had met so many people I couldn’t remember all of their names! I was lucky also to meet numerous people from the Deutsche Welle Academy who I was able to meet again before I left Bonn. One of girls I met became my best friend from the entire trip. The experience for me was eye-opening, and I would even stretch as far as to say life changing. The day in itself, added onto the friendships I made was more than I could have asked for.
By: Ashley Kaminski, Lafayette College / Pennsylvania