Written by Sean Krimmel
It’s hard to believe I had so much fun in a three-lane village named Monreal in the region of Eifel. The picturesque German town with pointed roofs and stone bridges rested beneath the shadow of a medieval tower, which I like to call the Eifel tower – that’s not the real name so don’t quote me on it.
The trip started with a bus ride accompanied by another group also studying abroad from LMU, the engineers. A friendly crowd, I spoke with them for most of the ride, which ended at a surprise mass in a German cathedral in a breathtaking town called Maria Laach. It was an uplifting experience hearing the Gregorian chants of the Benedictine monks as we all praised the lord together. It’s nice to know that I can be on the other side of the world and still be welcomed into the Catholic community. After the mass we were given a small tour of the church. The guide pointed out a carving of the Devil near the entrance and in the carving he held a piece of parchment. Rumor had it that when one enters through the archway the Devil starts scribbling down all the sins of that person. It was no surprise that when I walked through his hand grew tired.
In conclusion, I had the classes, a cathedral tour, a late night hike with torches, great historic scenic views, and even a house-made cheese tasting supplied by the owners of our manor that was built in the 1800's. This Eifel excursion was just one of the many unforgettable experiences that I have endured so far. I can't wait to see what else this European adventure has in store for me.