February 21, 2011

Alaaf - Bützje - Strüssje... Americans, Get Ready for KARNEVAL!


The first Karneval event of the season - at least for me and the students! EinsLive, a popular youth radio network, invited our New Europe and Visualization students to join them for a typical German event. And what could be more German than Karneval - at least in the Rhineland?

The WDR2-Hörfunk-Sitzung, a Karneval event where Germany's biggest public broadcasting institution WDR records its Karneval radio program, took place at the Kölner Gürzenich, an impressive festive hall that dates back to 15th century.

And everyone made an appearance from the Bläck Föös to the Paveier and the Räuber - Cologne Karneval at its best. Not only were all students greeted by a member of the Elferrat, the famous council of eleven, who presented them with a much sought-after Karneval medal. Emily and BreeAnn even met "Seine Tollität" Frank I, the offical prince of the 2011 Cologne carneval Season. Wow!

Judging from the pictures, the students are ready for Karneval. So am I. Are you....?