Did you realize that Cologne has in fact five seasons? And I grew up for years in Chicago thinking that four was enough, but then I came here and realized what we’ve all been missing out on. In November of every year, Cologne kicks off it’s fifth season called Carnival at 11:11am on 11/11. It’s one day of complete and utter craziness with costumes, singing, dancing, etc. The Carnival season is then suspended during Advent and Christmas and apparently the real craziness happens during the picks up for a week of crazy days between Fat Thursday and Ash Wednesday. This year, November’s Carnival fell on a Sunday at the end of our shooting weeks, so thankfully I was back in time to partake in the festivities.
My tale starts the night before though, when I was figuring out what to wear. From everything I heard this was like Halloween on steroids and I didn’t want to disappoint the Germans. Unfortunately all I had was my dirndl, the traditional Bavarian dress from Oktoberfest, to wear and although I’ve fallen in love with the style I thought I would need something more for this festivity. So, during dinner with my host family they asked if I would be dressing up for Carnival and I told them all I had was my dirndl. After dinner they brought out a children’s wig for me to try on, an orange Pippy Longstocking wig, one that barely fit on my head. When that failed, my host mom went upstairs to give me one of her orange jackets she said would at least keep me warm and always be easy to find in a crowd. Instead she came down with a clown costume that I gladly took instead. She asked if I had anything to paint my face with and I told her I could use some eyeliner. She looked at me as if I was crazy- although that’s nothing new-, went back upstairs and came down with face paint. Clearly I was now set for Carnival! Host family for the win.
Once we left the main square we walked through the streets of Cologne, where I couldn’t resist getting a gelato cone, before we ended up at a dance club. I’ve never gone to a club so early in the day, but it was a blast. They played a mixture of American songs we all knew plus Carnival songs that we just gathered in a circle and kicked to! We essentially danced the afternoon away and then headed back to Bonn on a late afternoon train. The day was so fun and memorable, but the long hours of shooting were finally wearing down on me and this clown needed a nap.
Written by Sarah Bush