Today in the Bonn General Anzeiger (local newspaper) regarding the AIB Charity Day:
US-Students say Thank You
Bonn. More than 80 American students, currently participating in a study abroad semester at the Akademie für Internationale Bildung (AIB), are organizing a charity day on April 5th to say thanks to the citizens of Bonn for their warm hospitality. Most of the projects are recreation and maintenance in and around buildings which can not be done by the residenting institutions due to a lack of money or time of the employees. One group, for example, will recreate the garden at „Haus Wasmuth“ in Rolandseck under the supervision of Beethoven Haus director Malte Boecker. Due to suggestions from the organization „Rückenwind“, another group will renovate and paint the apartment of a Bonn family in need.