June 14, 2012


On Sunday, the SABINA group visited the Eifel region, just about two hours away from Bonn. While in the region, we visited the Benedict Monastery (Maria Laach) and attend a mass in the famous Abbey Church, which features a beautiful array of Romanesque architecture. The area is immensely beautiful and is surrounded by hills that formed from volcanic activity in 10,000 BC. The group also visited the only castle in the Eifel that has never been occupied or destroyed: schloss Bürresheim. This castle is so famous that it has even been featured in American movies, such as “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” as well as in many television commercials in Germany.
After our visit to the Eifel region, we headed toward Monreal (kind of like the German version of Montreal, Canada) where we hiked up an extremely steep path to see the city. Of course we were driven to make it to the top so as to enrich our cultural experience in Monreal, but more importantly to get the free ice cream Rainer promised us. Whatever the motivation, our group made it to the top to see the city of Monreal and of course, got our free ice cream.
Written by: Laura Blackerby